Thursday, November 11, 2010

An odd assortment

There really is no logical organization for these pictures, really. Most of them were taken on November 9, I suppose, but a few of the other ones were random pictures that I hadn't put up yet. So, nonetheless, here they are!

Tracy was excited to see snow. I liked how the snowflakes stayed in her hair.

Tracy and Youval documenting their first Colorado snow experience.

Lindsey looked very thoughtful.

This is my portrait and "story" that will hang at our class exhibition.

My "well-loved" phone.

A shot looking up into the tower at the Ritchie Center. I liked how ominous and foreboding it looks.

The bells in the tower. Symmetry is beautiful!

This is one of my favorite shots that I've taken in a while, even if it's a little bit blurry.

This dog was locked in a room in the Lacrosse Stadium as we were walking by. He looked so incredibly unhappy, despondent and longing, and even with a cell phone picture, I think that came through in his expression.

A fallout shelter? In a pretty, elegant, old building like this??

Even in the midst of rain, this walk back to Halls was beautiful!

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